1. Location

The conference will be held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center, in the center of Tsukuba Science City, the location of many government and industrial research facilities and the University of Tsukuba

The city of Tsukuba is situated about 50 kilometers northeast of Tokyo and about 40 kilometers northwest of Narita International Airport, the arrival point for most international flights to Japan. There are direct bus services between Tsukuba and Tokyo and between Tsukuba and Narita Airport
(timetable information available at

2. Conference schedule

The conference will be held on March 13, 14 and 15, 2005.

A detailed program of the conference presentations will be available at the website from around the beginning of February 2005.

March 13, Sunday
9:00-9:30  Registration
9:30-9:45  Opening Remark: N.Ohta
9:50-10:50  Invited Speaker 1: D.Reisberg
11:00-12:00  Invited Speaker 2: L.Levine
Paper Session 13:30-13:45  Paper Presentation 1: M.Sakaki1
              13:50-14:05  Paper Presentation 2: N.Onuma2
              14:10-14:25  Paper Presentation 3: S.Janssen3
14:40-15:40  Invited Speaker 3: A.Koriat
15:50-16:50  Invited Speaker 4: S.Christianson
17:10-19:00  Reception

Affiliation of Papaer Presentaters
1The University of Tokyo, Japan
2Kyushu University, Japan
3University of Amasterdam, the Netherlands
March 14, Monday
9:00-9:30  Registration
9:30-10:30  Invited Speaker 5: R.Cabeza
10:40-11:40  Invited Speaker 6: H.Markowitsch
   Lunch and Poster Preparation
Paper session 13:00-13:15  Paper Presentation 4: M.Zorawski4
              13:20-13:35  Paper Presentation 5: M.Takahashi5
              13:40-13:55  Paper Presentation 6: C.Croucher6
14:10-15:10  Invited Speaker 7: A.Mathews
15:20-16:20  Invited Speaker 8: G.Goodman
   Poster Preparation
16:30-18:30  Poster Session

Affiliation of Papaer Presentaters
4National University of Singapore, Singapore
5University of the Sacred Heart, Japan
6MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, UK
March 15, Tuesday
9:00-9:20 Registration
9:20-10:20 Invited Speaker 9: J.Kihlstrom
10:30-11:30 Invited Speaker 10: J.Singer
13:00-14:00 Invited Speaker 11: Mara Mather
14:10-15:10 Invited Speaker 12: B.Uttl
15:10-15:25 Closing Remark: B.Uttl