Notice!!New!! 08.03.14 update!
We rearranged Tic7 Schedule in order to have better poster session.
Tic 7 New Schedule is here!(PDF file)New!! 08.03.14 update!
Notice!!New!! 08.03.03 update!
Deadline for submissions and registration is postphoned untill March 10, 2008.
If you foget to do a registration until the deadline,
you cannot have your poster presentation,
but you can join us when you register on the day.
We hope much more people enjoy our TIC 7!!
Tic 7 Schedule is here!(PDF file)New!! 08.02.18 update!
Tic 7 Abstracts are here!(PDF file)New!! 08.02.18 update!
Tic 7 Poster is here!(PDF file)
The 7th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory: Current Directions in Visual Memory
will be held March 20-22, 2008, in Tsukuba Science City, Japan.
Proposals for poster presentations are welcome.
Poster presentation will be held March 21.
Deadline for submissions and registration is March 1, 2008.
Registration form is the same as the previous conference.
If you'd like to present your poster,
please send us an abstract of 100 words with your registration form.
Please pay a fee 3,000yen on the registration desk when you register during the conference.
More Details will coming soon. Please wait for middle of January, 2008.